Welcome to greenthingy.com, a completely useless website that is solely dedicated to the stupidity of non-English speaking tech support representatives at Dell Computer.

Before anybody from Dell tries to file a lawsuit against me, I must include this disclaimer:

All encounters described on this website are real and are not exaggerated.  I operate a computer repair center and unfortunately have to contact Dell for warranty replacements somewhat regularly.  I will admit that when you own a $10,000 piece of server equipment made by Dell, their tech support is excellent and has resolved my issues in less than 10 minutes.  But if you own a home system, you get Habib over in India who can barely speak English, let alone know anything about computers.  The Dell logo, which may inadvertently appear in some of the pictures on this website, is a registered trademark of Dell, Inc.

That being said, the infamous "Green Thingy" as it is now known as in our office, is just a plastic fan shroud designed to cover the processor heatsink and direct air through the heatsink and out via a fan in the back of the case.  Dell tech support called it the "green thingy" when asking me to remove it while diagnosing a dead hard drive.

NEW:  Dell Tech Support Parody (requires flash)
This is very accurate although I can't take credit other than finding the link.

Green Thingy Evolution
We had no idea there were so many different types of Green Thingy's out there!  Here's some of the newest Green Thingy's we have encountered.

This is the Green Thingy inside a Pentium 3 Dell Dimension computer.

This Green Thingy is from a P4, but cools the Hard Drive instead of the processor.  Who would have thunk it?

Here we see the Green Thingy in its natural habitat: inside the Pentium 4 Dell Dimension series desktop computer.

The Green Thingy is hard at work keeping the processor cool while it loads pornographic popup windows.

That's all for now!  Please check back shortly to read the entire "Green Thingy" story, as well as other amusing encounters with Dell's technical support department.  Thanks for stopping by!